There is more freedom in being who God created you to be than you could ever imagine. When and where did we start learning to be something other than who God created us to be? For many, it started when they were young. There was some way about us that others didn’t like or appreciate, and it caused us to emotionally retreat on the inside. When this happens over and over, by the time we become teenagers and then adults, and have suppressed years of being ourselves, we unwittingly develop into someone other than God’s original intent for our lives. It’s still there of course but it’s buried under the weight of how we feel about ourselves and what others have said and done to us.
This emotional wounding is keeping many Believers from receiving Father’s love, joy, and adoration over them. It also keeps them from accomplishing the great purpose for their lives that God has ordained for us before the foundation of the world. Instead of living healed and whole on the inside, we end up living a life that is far below a son or daughter of Father God.
King David wrote some of the most beautiful words about what God thinks and feels about us:
“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;” Psalm 139:13-18
Here are 5 ways that you can continue to be someone that you’re not:
1. You can completely disregard the uniqueness of who you are. There’s no one else like you. You are entirely different than the over 7 1/2 billion people in the world. Why would you want to be someone that you’re not? There has never been you and there will never be another you. Before God even made the universe, He thought of you. He has loved you forever. We are literally made in the image of God and we have to understand how powerful that is. Ask God for the revelation of His heart for you and say, “Father, show me who I am. Reveal to me the wonderful thoughts that you have towards me. Forgive me for being someone that I am not and restore my heart.”
2. Continue to live under the pressure of creating a social media presence that is longing for the attention of others (many of them you don’t even know!). Friends, it’s completely obvious to the rest of us on social media that your life seems to be one that is perpetually staged for someone to come and buy your house. Why are you so pressured to keep up appearances? It’s certainly not Father’s heart for you to live under the constant pressure of your social media presence. Have fun with social media, but don’t let in own you, control you or make you out to be someone that you’re not. To continually do that is a sign of a wounded heart that fears being rejected. Not everyone is going to like your style. What would happen to your emotions if someone criticized your, “Martha Stewart” type post? If you are not secure in His heart for you first and foremost, you will risk being devasted over someone’s superficial response to your post or picture on social media.
3. Compare yourself to others. So what, you have a big nose, or ugly feet or a bunch of wrinkles. You’re going to continue to wound your heart by comparing your looks with others. You are who you are. Father loves all the shapes and sizes He created. Because you are wounded, you don’t see yourself the way God sees you. Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder and you are the one that He is beholding—therefore you are beautiful. Again, you are made in His image. To make it plain, when we truly receive His love for us, we don’t think this way any longer. We receive His love; it goes deep into us and heals and roots out any lie that the enemy tried to sow in us at any point in our lives. You are His beloved! You might as well start believing it!
4. Going through the motions of being a Christian. If you are going to call yourself a Christian, you might as well start living like it. Don’t be someone that you are not. You are either a Christian that follows the Word of God and His Spirit or you’re not. I have found it so fascinating how a Christian’s theology will change after they go through something. Rather than forgiving and allowing God to heal their heart, they develop new theology to accommodate the pain, trauma, disappointment, and bitterness. Christianity is all about loving and serving Jesus wholeheartedly—nothing held back. No games. Just completely in love with Jesus and willing to do whatever it takes to stay close to His heart. You need to be healed of whatever has separated you from the presence and power of God flowing through your life. He loves you dearly, but He wants ALL of you. Not the religious you, the real you.
5. Pretend. Pretend to be happy. Pretend to not be hurt. Pretend that your marriage is not falling apart. Pretend that you can’t make ends meet. You can pretend or you can get help. You can reach out to someone that will love you and pray you through and help you get healed. You can call out to God right now and ask Him to heal your broken heart. You have to come to the place where you’re tired of living in your own strength. Friends, you can’t do this life on your own. You need the Holy Spirit. You need people around you that love you and value you. Stop pretending to be ok. You need help and Father is waiting with open arms to pull you in close and love you and heal you. It doesn’t have to take years and years. You can be forgiven, cleansed and healed in a moment. He’s a good Father and He loves you and believes in you. Your future is bright! Submit to His heart. Draw near to Him and He will make ALL things new!
You are incredibly loved! Everything is about to change for the better in your life as you yield to the Holy Spirit! As you bring all of this to the Lord, I’m believing that you will feel completely different as you wake up tomorrow morning!
2 thoughts on “How To Be Someone You’re Not: 5 Easy Steps”
I’m getting a bit antsy riding 10 hours to FL & came across your blog. Number 3 helped me because I don’t like my big nose, new wrinkles & extra fat. God has been pouring out His love to me and your article helped me realize even more how much I am loved just the way I am! Thanks Pastor!