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Stay on the Path

Psalm 16:11, “You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”



Even though it twists and it turns,

Stay on the path.

Even though it has its ups and downs,

Stay on the path.

Even though it has rough places and smooth,

Stay on the path.

Even though it may be hard to discern,

Stay on the path.

Even though the strong winds blow,

Stay on the path.

Even though it’s hard to see through the darkness,

Stay on the path.

Even though none go with you,

Stay on the path.

Even though there may be obstacles in the way,

Stay on the path.

Even though you are tired and weary,

Stay on the path.

Even though you may be bruised and broken,

Stay on the path.

Even though your heart may feel heavy and grieved,

Stay on the path.

Even though all hope seems to be gone,

Stay on the path.

Even though you may succeed or fail,

Stay on the path.

Even though you may have nothing or more than enough,

Stay on the path.

Even though you may be misunderstand,

Stay on the path.

Even though you may be talked about,

Stay on the path.

Even though people love you today and not tomorrow,

Stay on the path.

Even though your past is behind you,

Stay on the path.

Even though none may encourage you,

Stay on the path.

Even though you can’t see your future,

Stay on the path. 

Even though you may have much pain in body,

Stay on the path.

Even though your marriage is battered,

Stay on the path.

Even though sin may try to overtake you,

Stay on the path.

Even though your mind is assailed,

Stay on the path.

Even though you can’t seem to hear His voice,

Stay on the path.

Even though the devil may whisper lies to you,

Stay on the path.

Though nobody knows your heart,

Stay on the path.

Even though you still feel weak,

Stay on the path.

Even though you may have loss,

Stay on the path.

Even though the way seems long,

Stay on the path.

Friends, Jesus is with you,

Stay on the path.

Hebrews 13:5, “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

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