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Raindrops On Windshields

If you’re like me, the moment anything attaches itself to the windshield of my car, the wipers go on. That was not the case today…

I had been driving for a while this morning looking out at what was ahead of me and around me when I suddenly noticed all the raindrops that were on my windshield. I literally never saw them until that point—hundreds of raindrops I’m sure.

It was then that I realized that we go through life looking at what’s down the road, or behind us or next to us and we sometimes don’t realize those things that need to change that are right in front of us. It’s those things that other people see in us, that we are not seeing in ourselves. There are some spots—some “drops” of something on our hearts that God is wanting to heal in us. We get so focused on getting to our destinations in life that we forget to yield to the Spirit and change those things that are holding us back from our hearts receiving wholeness and healing.

The good news is that all I had to do was turn on the wipers and it was all gone. Many, many Christians need their hearts healed of all the “drops” where the enemy has tried to wound and break them.
The blood of Jesus, yielding to the Holy Spirit, living in Father’s love, staying in the Word and praying in our Heavenly language every day, keeps our hearts whole, pure, healed and unspotted from the world.

You are loved!

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