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A Beautiful Mess

Sometimes things in life don’t always go the way we hoped they would. Things may look or feel “messy” in your life right now, but I want to share with you that no matter what things look like on the outside, on the inside, you’re beautiful. Man or woman, you are beautiful to Father God.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you are the one that Father is beholding—that makes you beautiful no matter what mess you are finding yourself in right now. When we receive His priceless love into our hearts, we can walk in the confidence that we are the one who God loves.

The young woman in Song of Solomon 1:5 expressed it like this:
“I am dark but lovely…”

She is saying that no matter what has happened around me or what I have been through—please don’t define me by what I look like outwardly because I am lovely on the inside. My heart is lovely to Jesus no matter what you think.

And then King David said it this way:

“But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks upon me…” Psalm 40:17

King David knew the reality of his own life and heart, but despite everything, he knew that Father God was thinking about him. Those thoughts are beautifully expressed in many of the Psalms.

So, you may feel like a mess. Your life may feel like a mess. Your past may feel like a mess. Your finances may feel like a mess. Your marriage may feel like a mess. But despite all the mess, you are beautiful to Father God. His love and heart for you transcend the mess that you are in.

Today, begin to lift yourself out of the mess by first realizing that through it all, you are beautiful before God. You belong to Father God and He loves you with all His heart, but you have to believe it and receive it. Receiving His love for you will restore and strengthen your heart as you move forward in victory.

Now, take each “mess” and lift it up before God and say, “I am deeply loved, so God, you got this. Show me what to do. I repent for living in my mess and not from a heart that is loved. Forgive me for yielding to those things that don’t please your heart. Lead and guide me out of the messes that I am in and bring me to a place of victory and joy in every area of my life. Amen”

You are loved, my friend!

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